About FilmJabber, Formerly Movie-Source.com

FilmJabber, formerly known as Movie-Source.com, was launched in 1998 by Erik Samdahl (me), who at the time was in high school. The movie website was entirely designed to deliver short, one-paragraph movie reviews for quick reading, but after a year or two, an avid reader commented that the reviews should go into more depth. Hence, Movie-Source.com grew into a larger database of movie reviews, previews and image galleries. However, some of the original movie reviews can still be found on the site (they're pretty awful).

About Movie-Source.com (1998-2007)

From 2000 to 2007, Movie-Source.com grew tremendously in popularity and readership, offering one of the easiest ways to access all information and movie details about individual films in a simple, easy-to-use interface. Thanks to a college education in programming and database development, I was able to improve the scalability of the site and make thousands of movie reviews, previews of upcoming movies, movie trailers and more readily accessible to Internet users.

Enter: FilmJabber (2008-present)

In 2005, I actually had to get a real job and now work in the field of marketing. While I continued to write tons of movie reviews and keep the database updated, design and functionality improvements were all but ignored. On January 1, 2008, FilmJabber was launched, replacing Movie-Source.com with improved usability, a new design and new features. More features are planned for 2009.

About Erik Samdahl

Switching to the third person... Erik is an avid movie buff who does marketing for a successful research company by day and writes movie reviews by night. Erik likes sports (baseball and football especially) and lives in the Seattle area. Erik's first novel, the suspense fiction book The Trojan Conspiracy, arrived in stores June 2014.