Harry Connick Jr. Movies

Here is a partial list of Harry Connick Jr. movies. This list may not include all of Harry Connick Jr.'s movies. Why? Our database only goes back to 1995. Lame, we know.
Dolphin Tale 2 preview
Rated PG |
107 min.
Dolphin Tale preview
Rated PG |
113 min.
New in Town preview
Rated PG |
96 min.
Bug preview
Rated R |
102 min.
My Dog Skip preview
Rated PG |
110 min.
The Iron Giant preview
Rated PG |
86 min.
Hope Floats preview
Rated PG-13 |
114 min.
Excess Baggage preview
Rated PG-13 |
101 min.
Copycat preview
Rated R |
120 min.