John Cleese Movies

Here is a partial list of John Cleese movies. This list may not include all of John Cleese's movies. Why? Our database only goes back to 1995. Lame, we know.
Clifford The Big Red Dog preview
Rated PG |
97 min.
Planes preview
Rated PG |
92 min.
The Pink Panther 2 preview
Rated PG |
92 min.
Igor preview
Rated PG |
86 min.
Charlotte's Web preview
Rated G |
113 min.
Valiant preview
Rated G |
109 min.
Around the World in 80 Days preview
Rated PG |
120 min.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban preview
Rated PG |
139 min.
Life of Brian preview
Rated R |
94 min.
Shrek 2 preview
Rated PG |
105 min.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets preview
Rated PG |
161 min.
Die Another Day preview
Rated PG-13 |
105 min.
Rat Race preview
Rated PG-13 |
112 min.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone preview
Rated PG |
153 min.
Isn't She Great preview
Rated R |
93 min.
The World is Not Enough preview
Rated PG-13 |
128 min.
The Out-of-Towners preview
Rated PG-13 |
90 min.
Fierce Creatures preview
Rated PG-13 |
93 min.
George of the Jungle preview
Rated PG |
92 min.