Joshua Jackson Movies

Here is a partial list of Joshua Jackson movies. This list may not include all of Joshua Jackson's movies. Why? Our database only goes back to 1995. Lame, we know.
Lay the Favorite preview
Rated R |
94 min.
Shutter preview
Rated PG-13 |
85 min.
Bobby preview
Rated R |
120 min.
Aurora Borealis preview
Rated R |
110 min.
Cursed preview
Rated PG-13 |
96 min.
Racing Stripes preview
Rated PG |
94 min.
Gossip preview
Rated R |
90 min.
The Skulls preview
Rated PG-13 |
117 min.
Muppets From Space preview
Rated G |
82 min.
Cruel Intentions preview
Rated R |
95 min.
Urban Legend preview
Rated R |
99 min.
Apt Pupil preview
Rated R |
100 min.
D3: The Mighty Ducks preview
Rated PG |
104 min.
Magic in the Water preview
Rated PG |
101 min.