Susannah Grant Movies

Here is a partial list of Susannah Grant movies. This list may not include all of Susannah Grant's movies. Why? Our database only goes back to 1995. Lame, we know.
The 5th Wave preview
Rated PG-13 |
112 min.
The Soloist preview
Rated PG-13 |
109 min.
Catch and Release preview
Rated PG-13 |
124 min.
Charlotte's Web preview
Rated G |
113 min.
In Her Shoes preview
Rated PG-13 |
130 min.
Unfaithful preview
Rated R |
121 min.
Erin Brockovich preview
Rated R |
130 min.
28 Days preview
Rated PG-13 |
103 min.
Ever After: A Cinderella Story preview
Rated PG |
121 min.
Pocahontas preview
Rated G |
81 min.