An admittedly eclectic mix of critically acclaimed pics and guilty pleasures.
No, Boyhood did not make this list.
Not all book-to-movie adaptations are made equal. Here are the 13 best ones.
From Gladiator to L.A. Confidential, Russell Crowe has given us some great movies.
Which movies failed to live up to YOUR expectations in 2013?
Here are 13 movies of 2013 that you probably didn't see, but should have.
A list that is sure to earn the ire of anonymous Internet users everywhere.
If you don't already know what this movie is, you haven't seen it.
We use the term "overlooked" loosely.
Half of them star Michael Fassbender or Matthew McConaughey.
Elysium hits theaters this Friday. Here are 10 other Matt Damon movies worth watching.
Yippee-ki-yay, Mister Falcon.
If you think you saw all of the movies you wanted to see, you are wrong.
Someone really should be arrested for these travesties.