Release Date
July 24, 1996
Joel Schumacher
John Grisham, Akiva Goldsman
Rae'ven Kelly, Darrin Mitchell, LaConte McGrew, Devin Lloyd, John Diehl, Chris Cooper, Tonea Stewart, Ashley Judd, Patrick McGoohan, Sandra Bullock, Samuel L. Jackson, Kevin Spacey, Oliver Platt, Charles Dutton, Brenda Fricker, Donald Sutherland, Kiefer Sutherland, Matthew McConaughey
Running Time
149 minutes
MPA Rating
Rated R for violence and some graphic language
The little, black girl is walking home when two men attack her. They rape her, beat her, throws beer cans at her, and throw her off a bridge. The police swiftly apprehend the men but the girl's father, Carl Lee Hailey, fears the worst. Just last year a group of men got off for raping a black person. So, scared of their release, Hailey kills the two men with a machine gun, in the middle... Full synopsis »
Based on John Grisham's novel, A Time to Kill is a compelling, tear-jerking story of racism in modern day United States. Acting is stupendous, completely believable. There's not one scene that's slow and the concluding speech is fantastic; it will move you. A Time to Kill has to be one of the best movies of the decade! Full movie review »