Release Date
October 10, 1997
Paul Thomas Anderson
Paul Thomas Anderson
Philip Seymour Hoffman, William H. Macy, Heather Graham, Don Cheadle, Nicole Ari Parker, John C. Reilly, Rico Bueno, Julianne Moore, Burt Reynolds, Luis Guzmán, Mark Wahlberg
Running Time
152 minutes
MPA Rating
Rated R for strong sex scenes with explicit dialogue, nudity, drug use, language and violence
A young man is recruited to become a porn star, and he becomes one of the best, until fame, fortune and drugs gets the better of him. The story chronicles his ups and downs through the 1970's and 80's, as well as those around him, who also suffer similar fates.... Full synopsis »
Having just watched Auto Focus, I figured I should review Boogie Nights, a movie I failed to remark on when I watched it a few months earlier. Full movie review »