Fallen movie poster
Our Rating
Fallen movie poster

Fallen (1998)

Crime Suspense Horror
Rated R
123 min.
Release Date
January 16, 1998
Gregory Hoblit
Nicholas Kazan
Bob Rumnock, Allelon Ruggiero, Ronn Munro, Jason George, Graham Beckel, Tara Carnes, Aida Turturro, Robert Joy, Michael J. Pagan, Gabriel Casseus, Elias Koteas, James Gandolfini, Embeth Davidtz, Donald Sutherland, John Goodman, Denzel Washington
Running Time
123 minutes
MPA Rating
Rated R for violence and language

Before his execution, convicted criminal Reese spoke in an ancient, Biblical language. And before his death, he touched hands with Detective John Hobbes. Further translation would reveal that his words were not a prayer but a threat, a threat to John Hobbes' life.

Following Reese's death, Hobbes and his partner, Jonesy, begin to investigate a murder. On the wall is a riddle, the same riddle that Reese asked Hobbes' before his death. Reese's documentation is... Full synopsis »


Fallen is a creepy, supernatural thriller that had everything going for it and successfully wrapped the story, characters, and suspense up in a nice, little bundle. Denzel Washington was his usual best, a believable character with ideals, dislikes, and bravery. Supported by the likes of John Goodman and David Sutherland, casting was not the problem. Nor was the story. Like stated in the first sentence, Fallen truly was creepy and original, dealing with a demonic force. The best part was when Denzel or Embeth encountered the demon in the crowds of the city; it passing from one person to another before their eyes, speaking to them, threatening them. No, story and dialogue were not the problem. The problem was the ending. This was about the last ending I could have chosen for a movie. Now, I'm not going to give it away but I'll just say that the reason this movie is 2.5 stars instead of 3.5 is because of the conclusion. The conclusion was well done but definitely not likable; but hey, that's me and everybody else that watched the movie. You may like the finale but I doubt it. Full movie review »
Our Rating