Release Date
December 20, 1996 (Limited)
Rob Reiner
Lewis Colick
Alec Baldwin, Whoopi Goldberg, James Woods, Craig T. Nelson, William H. Macy, Susanna Thompson, Michael O'Keefe, Bill Smitrovich, Wayne Rogers, Diane Ladd, Virginia Madsen, Jerry Levine
Running Time
130 minutes
MPA Rating
Rated PG-13 for strong scene of violence, racial dialogue
Ghosts of Mississippi is a drama covering the final trial of the assassin, Bryon De La Beckwith (Woods),who on June 12, 1963 ended the life of civil rights activist Medgar Evers. It begins with the murder and the events surrounding the two initial trials which both ended in a hung jury. Nearly thirty-one years would pass before justice would make its peace with Medgar Evers. Through perseverance and faith, his case would be resurrected, and... Full synopsis »
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