Release Date
May 3, 1996
Bruce Beresford
Steven Haft, Ron Koslow
Sharon Stone, Rob Morrow, Randy Quaid, Peter Gallagher, Jack Thompson, Don Harvey, Jayne Brook, Pamela Tyson, Ken Jenkins, Skeet Ulrich, John Cunningham, Christine Cattell, Mimi Craven, Diane Sellers
Running Time
103 minutes
MPA Rating
Rated R for violence, language, drug content
Undeniably guilty of a heinous crime, convicted killer Cindy Liggett (Sharon Stone) has been sitting on Death Row in the state penitentiary for 12 years, waiting for her much delayed date with the executioner. Now, after numerous stays from the Governor, and false hopes for her future, Cindy is finally ready to face the inevitable. But as the clock ticks on, and her days dwindle down, the one thing she is not prepared for is... Full synopsis »
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