More Than a Game movie poster
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More Than a Game movie poster

More Than a Game (2009)

Sports Documentary
Rated PG
105 min.
Release Date
October 2, 2009 (Limited)
DVD Release Date
February 2, 2010 (Buy on Amazon)
Kristopher Belman
Kristopher Belman, Brad Hogan
LeBron James
Running Time
105 minutes
MPA Rating
Rated PG for brief mild language and incidental smoking

"More Than a Game" tells the true story of five talented young basketball players, including future NBA superstar LeBron James, and their remarkable journey from Akron, Ohio to the national high school championship series.

Five talented young basketball players from Akron, Ohio star in "More Than a Game," a remarkable true-life coming of age story about friendship and loyalty in the face of great adversity. Coached by a charismatic but inexperienced player's father, and led by... Full synopsis »


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