Release Date
July 27, 2001
Tim Burton
Mark Rosenthal, Lawrence Konner, William Broyles
David Warner, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Glenn Shadix, Lisa Marie, Charlton Heston, George Clooney, Paul Giamatti, Michael Clarke Duncan, Helena Bonham Carter, Tim Roth, Linda Harrison, Estella Warren, Kris Kristofferson, Mark Wahlberg
Running Time
119 minutes
MPA Rating
Rated PG-13 for some sequences of action/violence
A pilot finds himself stranded on a world that is inhabited by apes, and humans are unintelligent slaves. ... Full synopsis »
Is it really hard to believe that Planet of the Apes has been remade. The 1968 original starring Charlton Heston has epic science fiction written all over it, and in the 21st century, where movie companies at least believe that there is no original content to be made, remakes are running rampant. Sure, this newest version of Planet of the Apes is a little superfluous, but who better to remake a science fiction classic than Tim Burton, who already has Batman and Sleepy Hollow under his control? Full movie review »