Urban Legend movie poster
Our Rating
Urban Legend movie poster

Urban Legend (1998)

Teen Horror
Rated R
99 min.
Release Date
September 25, 1998
Jamie Blanks
Silvio Horta
Gord Martineau, Brad Dourif, Julian Richings, Danielle Harris, Robert Englund, John Neville, Tara Reid, Joshua Jackson, Loretta Devine, Michael Rosenbaum, Natasha Wagner, Rebecca Gayheart, Alicia Witt, Jared Leto
Running Time
99 minutes
MPA Rating
Rated R for horror violence/gore, language and sexual content

Everyone has heard the story of the girl who was driving home late one night and she looked in her rear view mirror to see a man with an axe. Everyone has heard the story of the babysitter who was getting calls from upstairs. Everyone has heard the story about flashing your lights to warn oncoming cars only to have them turn around and kill you. These are urban legends. And someone is bringing them... Full synopsis »


Urban Legend is no Oscar-winner, nor will it be praised for it's high talent. However, it does deliver a typical horror formula we've come to expect from Hollywood: comedy, violence, gore, and of course, scary scenes. Urban Legend has all of this, excessively. More comedy and inside jokes (not the Clearasil and Dawson Creek jokes), more gore, and lots of violence. From beginning to end, something is happening, and there are more jumpy scenes in Urban Legend than in most other horror movies combined. This is a must see for all those who love raw horror. Full movie review »
Our Rating