Bachelorette movie poster
Our Rating
Bachelorette movie poster

Bachelorette Review

Now available on Blu-ray and DVD (Buy on Amazon)

A year after Bridesmaids rocked theaters comes Bachelorette, a movie that is worlds apart in tone, humor and, unfortunately, entertainment value. The Kirsten Dunst-starring film wants to be funny but fails miserably, and that's all you need to know.

But this is a movie review, so I'll write about it for a while longer. Kirsten Dunst, Lizzy Caplan and Isla Fisher star as three attractive friends who are reunited in New York for their pal Becky's bachelorette party and wedding. Becky (played by Bridesmaids' Rebel Wilson) is not attractive, and the other girls hold that against her. After a falling out, they find themselves on a bachelorette party without the bachelorette - oh, and a damaged wedding dress that they must repair.

In other words, the three main characters are stuck-up bitches.

Leslye Headland makes her theatrical writing and directorial debut with Bachelorette, which is a shame because it could have been her one and only shot at big screen success. With a talented cast and a fun premise, Bachelorette had promise, but the promise is an empty one, a painfully out-of-tune production that is a complete waste of time.

When a movie features three unlikable characters, it needs to go dark and edgy to work. With a comedy, that's especially tricky to do. Unfortunately, while Headland hints at the urge to go a more twisted route, she never goes there, opting for marginally disturbing behavior, lots of chatter about blow jobs and a happy ending where the bride never learns just how awful her friends really are.

But that's not even the real problem. Bachelorette isn't funny. The dialogue isn't as clunky as it is raw, lacking comedic timing and often authenticity. The cast, which also includes Adam Scott ("Parks and Recreation") and James Marsden, does their best, but they seem unsure whether they're acting in a comedy or drama.

Bachelorette looks and feels like it was directed by an amateur, but ultimately the problem is that it lacks authentic humor. Hell, it lacks any kind of humor. At least Isla Fisher looks great.

Oh, and who holds a bachelorette party the night before her wedding?

Review by Erik Samdahl unless otherwise indicated.

Our Rating