Wrath of the Titans movie poster
Our Rating
Wrath of the Titans movie poster

Wrath of the Titans Review

Now available on Blu-ray and DVD (Buy on Amazon)

Twenty minutes in, don't know what's happening. An hour in, don't care. Movie's over, some big giant god monster just blew up. That just about sums up Wrath of the Titans, the sequel no one was asking for to the 3D laughfest Clash of the Titans. Wrath of the Titans is now on Blu-ray.

Sam Worthington returns as Perseus, the demigod who has reverted to a life of fishing despite some powers I can't remember nor care to recall. When his dad - some guy named Zeus (Liam Neeson) - is captured by his son Ares and brother Hades (Ralph Fiennes) so that their own papa, some nasty giant lava monster named Kronos, can return to power.

Bad things happen.

Like Wrath of the Titans.

The movie is a nonstop rush of action, special effects and Sam Worthington getting beaten up, which all sound good on paper but do little to gel into a complete production. The first Clash of the Titans wasn't great but there was some sense of adventure and wonder; Wrath of the Titans has more action and arguably better special effects, but action and special effects alone don't make a movie.

Wrath of the Titans lacks character depth and intrigue; there's not a single character worth caring about. The monsters Perseus faces are either interchangeable or dull, or both, making the movie feel monotonous and without purpose. I'm not even sure what Rosamund Pike, who plays Andromeda, was doing in the movie.

Oh yeah. Every movie like this needs an armor-clad woman who uses a sword and screams.

Wrath of the Titans is mindless action to the bone. It could be worse, but it should have been better. So much better. Don't waste your time.

Review by Erik Samdahl unless otherwise indicated.

Our Rating