Diary of a Mad Black Woman Review
I just received a stack of DVDs in the mail, all with a common theme - they star Tyler Perry dressed up as an ugly old woman called Madea who provides wisdom to troubled people. Officially called "The Tyler Perry Collection" and including five of his movies, of which the only one you've probably heard of being the 2005 hit "Diary of a Mad Black Woman," the set includes life lessons with a strange mix of comedy, drama and religious undertones.
The only one I could tolerate watching was "Diary of a Mad Black Woman," the only theatrical release of the set. The movie stars Kimberly Elise, who was most interesting in "The Manchurian Candidate" but is probably most known for her work in another religious movie "Woman Thou Art Loosed." Unfortunately, "Mad Black Woman" is even worse. Elise plays Helen, the beautiful wife to a rich defense lawyer who lives in a big mansion. All is good, right? Wrong! Her husband Charles (Steve Harris) dumps her sorry ass and replaces her the same night - their anniversary night no less - with his girlfriend. Suddenly out on her own, she seeks refuge with Madea (Tyler Perry) who gives some advice, et cetera et cetera. She meets another man, learns how to forgive Charles, et cetera et cetera. I was fast-forwarding by that point.
So what's so bad about "Mad Black Woman?" Well, for starters, it is described as a comedy when it definitely is not. It is far and away a drama with subtle religious themes (the worst) and some very serious moments (the best). There are random scenes of comedy thanks to Perry, but the jokes are so dull and uninteresting you'll rarely laugh. Worse, with Perry's obsession to rip-off Eddie Murphy and play several ugly characters at once, the movie is just a cluttered mess with serious drama most of the time and goofy antics thrown in to cover up the fact that this is a dull waste of time.
Furthermore, "Mad Black Woman" is boring. The best parts are the scenes where Charles is treating Helen like crap. I don't know why, but it was more amusing watching him be mean to her than watch her dealing with her problems. Okay, I'm a dick, but when watching a movie I'm allowed to be.
Avoid "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" at all costs. Could the stupidity not stretch across Perry's other films? Possibly, but I wouldn't bet on it.
Review by Erik Samdahl unless otherwise indicated.