Jackass: Number Two movie poster
Our Rating
Jackass: Number Two movie poster

Jackass: Number Two Review

Now available on Blu-ray and DVD (Buy on Amazon)

Jackass Number Two. It is films like these that put a reviewer in a pinch, especially a 20-something male reviewer who grew up in the day of Jackass and still takes joy in watching other grown men suffer by their own hands. As a critic, regardless of how professional I am, should I be required to say that this filth is idiotic garbage that doesn't warrant reaching the big screen, let alone anything that outputs an electronic signal? Or, as an individual, am I allowed to say that Jackass Number Two entertained the shit out of me for an hour and a half?

I remember when I saw the original Jackass movie back in college. The film opened to a packed house and an entirely sold out weekend of hysterical college students. I had never heard an audience laugh so loud, nor one that squirmed and looked away in disgust in unison as one of the guys chomped down on a urine snow cone.

Today, I went to the theater two weeks after its opening. There were a few people sitting behind me, my one buddy who sacrificed his afternoon for me, and a teenage couple up a few rows that seemed to enjoy making out while poop was coming out of some guy's ass. Quite a different experience.

Nonetheless, I found Jackass Number Two entertaining. Has some of the thrill of the show/movie worn off since it originally went off the air? Certainly. Having a few more years of maturity under my belt now, I do find the idiots in this movie to be even dumber than before, as they do some things that human beings just weren't meant to do (like branding a penis on your ass six times, or chugging a bottle of beer up your butt). These idiots decide to tackle an anaconda, who bites Johnny Knoxville so badly that both of his arms are covered in his own blood by the end.

Still, the movie makes you laugh, and if you laugh if even you're revolted, then it must have been doing something right. If you like gross humor and you like Jackass, then of course you'll enjoy this movie. If you don't, then you won't even be reading this review, so bugger off.

I also have to give props to the terrorist taxi skit, as that by far was the most planned out, disgusting and humiliating of pranks I've seen in a long time.

Jackass Number Two rarely misses in delivering sick and perverted laughs, although the pranks certainly aren't as funny as they were six years ago. If you enjoy this sense of humor, though, take a group of your friends and check it out - you'll be rolling in your seats. Oh, and be warned - I have not puked since I was a little kid, but I almost puked at one scene.

DVD Review (B)

Jackass Number Two is now out on DVD, in, of course, unrated form. The DVD offers up exactly what you'd expect: a whole bunch of deleted sequences and segments not used for a variety of reasons. The DVD offers over an hour of additional sequences. Some are pretty funny and were simply removed for time, some are just plain wrong (a man is able to tie his wiener around a pole and support the weight of Johnny Knoxville) and some are just extensions of what is already in the movie. There are three sections that contain additional material; the first two are good, the third is lame (although maybe, after watching three hours of Jackass, I simply had had enough). The DVD also contains bloopers, but the bloopers are a complete waste of time - after all, the funniest "mistakes" were simply shown in the actual movie.

If you're a fan of Jackass, you'll want this DVD. If not, you're probably not even reading right now.

Review by Erik Samdahl unless otherwise indicated.

Our Rating