Last Days Review
Sometimes a movie, no matter how off beat and methodical, just gets you the right way. Look at "Gerry" and "Elephant," both directed by Gus Van Sant - both are slow, uncharacteristically non-Hollywood and not quite direct, but both are powerful and memorable. Then there is a film like "Last Days," also directed by Van Sant, that is just so dull, aimless and without character that your eyes will roll into your head and you'll die of boredom.
"Last Days" is based very loosely on the final days of Kurt Cobain's life. Set primarily in an isolated mansion, Blake (played by the mumbling Michael Pitt) wanders around aimlessly, never completely aware of his surroundings or the people who come in and out of his life. His "friends" are almost as stoned out as he is, but seem to have enough common sense to realize that things are going to get worse before they get better. Of course, you know what happens from there.
Basically, you'll like "Last Days" if you like movies with no plot, no character development and almost no talking. The movie basically follows Blake (who is supposed to be Cobain) as he mumbles to himself and becomes more and more reserved. The story dissects to follow several of the other people who come in and out of the mansion, but it is never clear who they are or why we should care. In fact, I had absolutely no interest in any of the characters; Van Sant never sets the stage for anyone, and never gives us a reason to give a shit.
That alone makes "Last Days" uninteresting, and a big failure in my book.
Review by Erik Samdahl unless otherwise indicated.