The Devil's Rejects Review
Do you ever want to watch a movie where every character is so bad, evil and messed up that you can't like any of them? You don't? Well, you better not watch "The Devil's Rejects," because it is a film about just that - some really screwed up and disgusting characters that enjoy killing, raping and torturing.
Directed by Rob Zombie and set a short time after "House of 1,000 Corpses," "The Devil's Rejects" follows the escapades of Captain Spaulding (Sid Haig), Otis (Bill Moseley) and Baby (Sheri Moon), three of the killers from the first film. After the police raid their house in storm, they take to the road to escape, and decide to kill, rape and torture along the way. To cap things off, they are pursued by a policeman who becomes increasingly more like them with every passing minute until at one point you are almost feeling sorry for the bad guys. Perhaps that was the point, but this is one screwed up movie.
I don't really know how to rate this film. After all, Zombie has improved as a director and has actually made a decent picture out of this thing. The storyline theoretically isn't all that bad, aside from the fact that you have to be pretty perverted (or more perverted than I am) to really get a kick out of it. In the end I have no real desire to watch this picture again, but I could if I really needed to (why I would "need" to watch a movie is beyond me, but you know what I mean).
Probably the most disappointing part about this picture is the fact that the movie never even mentions all the screwed up stuff down below the house. After all, at the end of "House of 1,000 Corpses," the final victim stumbles across the twisted lair of Dr. Death. None of the messed up ending of the first movie is even alluded to here.
If you like really sick movies, "The Devil's Rejects" is not half bad. Still, you have to be in the right kind of mood to get entertained by this flick.
Review by Erik Samdahl unless otherwise indicated.