Trainwreck movie poster
Our Rating
Trainwreck movie poster

Trainwreck Review

Now available on Blu-ray and DVD (Buy on Amazon)

The repulsive Amy Schumer stars in Trainwreck, a train wreck of a movie about loose women, sinful premarital relations and sex with WWE star John Cena. These are awful things that thankfully aren't true, as Trainwreck is one of the funniest, entertaining movies of the year.

Amy Schumer delivers non-stop Amy Schumer-esque humor, not surprising given that the movie is written by Amy Schumer. If you like her brand of humor (or if you're like me and didn't know who she was up until two months ago: R-rated, profane and often zany humor), you'll probably be rolling in your seat throughout the film.

Directed by Judd Apatow (Knocked Up, The 40-Year-Old Virgin), Trainwreck is your typical romantic comedy, elevated by a sharp script and male-friendly humor. While some of Schumer's humor certainly caters to women, the movie itself has plenty to offer to both genders and everyone in between. Its romantic beats are offset by a consistent presence of professional athlete cameos and a surprisingly strong performance by none other than Lebron James, who apparently plays football or something.

As funny and enjoyable as it is, Trainwreck isn't without a few flaws. As much as the early portion of the movie stays away from convention (I never thought I'd say this, but every moment with John Cena is a blast), Apatow and Schumer deliver a rather by-the-numbers romantic story, complete with the always-shrug-inducing segment where the two leads break up and the audience is forced to wait for them to inevitably get back together. While the filmmaking duo inject plenty of humor into this stretch, there's no denying that it is woefully unoriginal.

Thankfully, only one scene actually comes close to falling flat, and that's a scene involving an “intervention” of sorts. It isn't funny, the cameos didn't work (I honestly didn't know who most of those people were) and it doesn't fit with the rest of the movie.

Trainwreck has a few shortcomings, but that doesn't keep it from being one of the best comedies you'll see all year.

Review by Erik Samdahl unless otherwise indicated.

Our Rating