Twixt movie poster
Our Rating
Twixt movie poster

Twixt Review

Now available on Blu-ray and DVD (Buy on Amazon)

I think I've lost faith in Francis Ford Coppola. Over the last several years the Godfather director has abandoned traditional Hollywood fare in favor of lower budgeted and more personal fare, an admirable decision...if not for the declining quality of each project. Twixt is Coppola's latest effort and it is, without a doubt, a mess.

Following 1997's The Rainmaker, which starred Matt Damon, Coppola stopped directing movies until 2007, when he made Youth Without Youth, a very good but far-from-mainstream drama few people have seen. Two years later, he made Tetro, a mediocre film that suffered from a lack of energy.

And then there's Twixt.

Twixt is marketed as a horror movie starring Val Kilmer and Elle Fanning, but I pity anyone who is tricked into renting, let alone buying, this movie thinking that they are getting anything resembling a normal horror movie.

The movie is a clunky effort at low-budget filmmaking, with dull storytelling and an incomprehensible plot. Twixt looks cheap, from its set design to scene construction to the type of camera used. Coppola fails to exploit the acting talents of Kilmer or Fanning, a disturbing trend that started in Tetro. He makes his actors look like amateurs, and the production overall looks amateurish.

Look and feel aside, Twixt is just boring as hell. The plot has something to do with a struggling author who stumbles across what could be his next novel - a case of mass murder in a small town that he will adapt into a story about vampires. He begins to have nightmares where he repeatedly encounters a young but dead girl (Fanning). But the plot doesn't really matter. I fell asleep twice and even when I was awake I could barely stay attentive.

Twixt is a poorly made, poorly acted and utterly bland "horror film" that has made me lose faith in Francis Ford Coppola's ability to make good movies. There's a reason this movie more or less went straight to DVD, and there are several why you should never watch Twixt.

Review by Erik Samdahl unless otherwise indicated.

Our Rating