Bone Tomahawk Movie Synopsis & Plot
In "Bone Tomahawk," four men attempt to rescue a group of captives from a band of cannibalistic troglodytes that live beyond the edge of civilization. Wilson will play Arthur O'Dwyer, a driven and thoughtful cowboy whose rise to the foreman position of a cattle outfit is interrupted by an unfortunate accident that reshapes his life in unforeseen ways. Fox will play John Brooder, the eloquent, albeit inscrutable gentleman whose dark inclinations have put him and his polished weapons at the very edge of the western frontier.
There’s nothing quite like a western where Kurt Russell takes on a tribe of cannibalistic Native Americans who don’t speak--but do howl like the Devil possessed. And if there’s nothing quite like it, there’s Bone Tomahawk, a simply awesome, holy-fuck kind of genre flick that will leave you grinning from ear to ear.Read our Bone Tomahawk movie review »