Father's Day Movie Synopsis & Plot
Jack and Dale are two men that just found out they could have a son. Both setting out to look for the kid, they discover one minor flaw: They're looking for the same kid. Around the same time, they both dated and slept with a woman named Collette. Now, after her son ran away from her, she has asked them to look for him. However, as they get closer and closer they find that the boy may not be what they expected, caught in the middle of a scandal.
With the likes of Billy Crystal and Robin Williams, you'd expect more from Fathers' Day, a movie that isn't as funny as it suggests. With more slapstick than real jokes that we know these two talented comedians can offer, you have to wonder just how much thought these guys gave to their performances. Most of the comedy doesn't even rely on them.Read our Father's Day movie review »