Hoodwinked! Movie Synopsis & Plot
In the re-telling of this classic fable, the story begins at the end. Chief Grizzly (Xzibit) and Detective Bill Stork (Anthony Anderson) investigate a domestic disturbance at Granny's (Glenn Close) cottage, involving a karate-kicking Red Riding Hood (Anne Hathaway), a sarcastic wolf (Patrick Warburton) and an oafish Woodsman (Jim Belushi). The charges are many: breaking and entering, intent to eat, wielding an axe without a license, but these unusual suspects have their story to tell first.
"Hoodwinked" surprised everyone earlier this year by raking in over $50 million on a budget of $15 million, which not only showed that CGI movies could be created on a small budget but that they could also make money in the process. Do I sense more low-budget CGI movies in the near future?Read our Hoodwinked! movie review »