The Infiltrator Movie Synopsis & Plot
Based on the true story of a fearless operative, The Infiltrator is a heart-stopping account of one of history’s largest and most elaborate stings. Set amidst the lavish excess of the 1980’s, The Infiltrator tells the story of undercover US Customs agent Robert Mazur (Cranston) AKA Robert Musella, who became a pivotal player for drug lords cleaning their dirty cash. He traded on mob connections to become the confidant to scores of the international underworld, and the bankers who enabled them. Laying his life on the line, he infiltrated the globe’s largest cartels and discovered just how deep into society their influence extended. The operation reeled in key players in a chain stretching all the way to Escobar. Their arrests would lead to the collapse of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, and shake the underground economy to its core.
Walter White takes on Pablo Escobar in The Infiltrator, a slick, stylish and entertaining investigative thriller that doesn’t exactly push the boundaries of the genre but brings enough goods to make the deal worth it.Read our Infiltrator, The movie review »