Jackie Brown Movie Synopsis & Plot
Jackie Brown is a struggling flight attendant who has been smuggling money across the border for years. However, the feds catch on and try to persuade her into ratting out her boss. Her boss is willing to have her killed to keep her testimony secret, but Jackie assures him that she is just playing with the feds. Then again, maybe she is just trying to stay alive. Or get the money for herself.
Quentin Tarantino's follow-up to Pulp Fuction is a much more straightforward drama-comedy thriller about one woman just trying to get away clean, and with $500,000 in cash. Pam Grier, Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Forster, Bridget Fonda, Robert De Niro and Michael Keaton star in this fun, though not-nearly-so-perfect film by the title of Jackie Brown.Read our Jackie Brown movie review »