Kill the Messenger Movie Synopsis & Plot
Two-time Academy Award nominee Jeremy Renner stars as Gary Webb, the real-life dedicated reporter for The San Jose Mercury-News. In the 1990s, Webb uncovered the Central Intelligence Agency’s role in importing cocaine into California that was sold to raise money for the Nicaraguan Contras rebel army. Supported by his wife and children, Webb pursued the story and went public with his evidence. When targeted for a vicious smear campaign by the CIA and rival journalists, Webb found himself fighting for his reputation and his family.
Kill the Messenger’s true-life story of Gary Webb resonated with me in a big way. After all, we have a lot in common. Webb was an aggressive journalist who unveiled the disturbing truth about the U.S. government’s role in importing illegal drugs into the country. I’m an aggressively lazy online movie critic who tells the truth about important movies. Webb’s life was forever tarnished by a vengeful government. I receive hate comments from Internet trolls.Read our Kill the Messenger movie review »