The Good Girl Movie Synopsis & Plot
A married woman has an affair with a young coworker at the store where they are both employed.
"Friends" may be winding down - and in my opinion should have been finished a year or two ago - and the stars of the show are going to need somewhere else to work. With exception to Courtney Cox, all of the "Friends" have primarily stuck to what they know best - slapstick comedy - when it comes to their movie choices. Matthew Perry is the best example, having done movies like Almost Heroes and most recently Serving Sara, and Matt LeBlanc typically plays an idiot just like he does on television. Schwimmer really has only had minor roles, except for one or two romance comedies where he plays a bumbling nerd... sound familiar? Lisa Kudrow has had more success, but still sticks to her annoying quirkiness. And Courtney Cox, though she has veered away from comedy at times, has done nothing more than horror movies. So it is refreshing to see Jennifer Aniston do a movie like The Good Girl, a dark comedy-drama that allows her to display her acting range. It also helps that The Good Girl is a very good movie.Read our Good Girl, The movie review »