Release Date
November 6, 1998
Frank Coraci
Adam Sandler, Tim Herlihy
Jennifer Bini Taylor, Frank Coraci, Robert Kokol, Todd Holland, Allen Covert, Clint Howard, Al Whiting, Jonathan Loughran, Peter Dante, Blake Clark, Larry Gilliard Jr., Jerry Reed, Fairuza Balk, Henry Winkler, Kathy Bates, Adam Sandler
Running Time
89 minutes
MPA Rating
Rated PG-13 for language and some crude sexual humor
Bobby Boucher, a socially inept 31-year-old from the swamps of Louisiana, is home schooled and sheltered by his over-protective Mama. His only contact with society is his waterboy job for a college team where the players relentlessly make fun of him, and his coach doesn't let him fight back. This all changes when Bobby gets a new coach who lets him stand up for himself. Bobby finally unleashes years of pent up rage and is... Full synopsis »
Adam Sandler is best known for such movies as Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison. He is a genius in his own right, and The Waterboy, his latest achievement, furthers his prestige. His character's weird accent is pretty cheesy, but his stuttering, baby-style language adds to the comedy. Academy Award Winner Kathy Bates and Henry Winkler (Fonzi from "Happy Days") also are a delight to see, along Fairuza Bak, who is incredibly sexy in this movie. With Adam Sandler doing the script, and a collection of some talented and well-known actors and actresses, The Waterboy is a brainless but fun comedy. Full movie review »